Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Blessings of Getting Up Early

I have recently been convicted to make my time with the Lord a priority by getting up an hour earlier than I normally would. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Well, you're right. It is. When my alarm goes off WAY before I'm ready, my sleep-crazed flesh would love nothing more than throw that clock right up against the wall. But after God  gives me the grace to crawl out of bed, my flesh is defeated by the joy of communing with my Savior.

This discipline of the Christian walk will not automatically make me a more Christ-like person. But I have found that with each passing day, I am growing in my love for Christ. I am cultivating a deeper desire to read His Word and apply it to every facet of my life, including my mommyhood.

Since beginning this rising early adventure, I am better understanding Christ's statement, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing" (John 15:5). I often try with all of my own might to do the right thing, say the right thing, and be the perfect mom all of the time. And then I fail miserably. I need God's strength, because mine is small. I need God's wisdom, because I have none. I need the beautiful gospel to transform my life so that I can put Jesus on display before the eyes of my children. I cannot do this alone. I need God and His Word.

If I start my day at the feet of Jesus, I am more prone to run to Him when the difficulties, temptations, and victories come. I have a greater sense of my dependency on God. My heart is less focused on the temporal and more set on the eternal. Mothering is too grave a mission, the stakes are too high to not be saturated with Scripture.

"Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."
~ Psalm 90:14

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