Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Moms of a Mom, part 1

"Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
'Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.'"
~Proverbs 31:28-29

In honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to celebrate my own mothers whom God has graciously blessed me with. I would not be the mom that I am today without the two, faithful women who have first mothered me.

To begin, I would like to praise Roberta Groppel, the woman who became my mother the moment I said "I do." If you know Roberta, you know that she has a deep love for her grandchildren, waxing her wood floors, and making scads of delicious cookies at Christmastime. As her daughter I have gained countless tips on what to do when my children are sick, the best ways to keep up with laundry, and how to make those fool-proof Christmas goodies. But the thing that I have learned most from Roberta is the meaning of a servant's heart. Anytime that there is a need, Roberta meets it. Whether it's providing food for a church function, wiping down tables, or comforting someone who is hurting, she is there to help.

She is also so faithful to help her children anytime, anywhere. Countless times I have watched her drop all of her own plans in order to help one of us. Often Roberta serves without ever being thanked or even noticed. But that's not why she does it. She serves because she loves her Savior and wants to show others that same kind of love. I am so very thankful for her godly example. (And I will forever be grateful that she raised such a great son!)

I love you, Roberta!

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